kingdom name generator

Kingdom Name Generator – Fantasy, Medieval & Fairytale Names

Attention D&D players, story writers, and world builders!, Become a king or queen and create the coolest kingdom ever for your next adventure. Whether you’re playing a fun D&D game, writing a fantasy story about magic and make-believe, or just building a world for yourself, this kingdom name generator can help you pick the perfect name. In just a few clicks, you’ll find a name that fits your fantasy kingdom exactly, whether it’s a giant empire, a secret hidden valley, or a silly fairy kingdom. So, come on in, and get ready to name your new land!

Kingdom Name Generator

Write your theme or prompt in the description (text) box and press the generate name button to start.

Getting Started

    How To Use AI Kingdom Name Generator

    1. Dream up your kingdom – big & strong, magical & secret, or fun & playful.
    2. Type a few words in the description box to describe your kingdom.
    3. Press the “Generate Name” button – our tool will show you some name ideas!
    4. Not feeling it? Just hit “Generate Name” again for a whole new set of options.

    Try Our Prompts For Kingdom Name Generation

    dnd names for kingdoms

    Generate Fantasy Kingdom Name: Mountains pierce the sky, whispering forests, or vast desert sands

    Generate Vampired Kingdom Name with Meaning: Brave knights rule, wise mages cast spells, or cunning vampires lurk in shadows

    Generate Whimsical Kingdom Name: Special kingdon name with Magic crackles in the air, technology hums with power, or fierce warriors train for battle

    Generate Enchanting Kingdom Name: Grand and powerful empire, mysterious hidden valley, or lighthearted and charming land

    Generate Mythical Kingdom Name: Dragons soar overhead, graceful unicorns roam free, or griffins guard the land

    Generate Hollow Knight Kingdom Name: mythical creature griffins! in (ancient ruins)

    Generate Medieval Kingdom Name: A vast empire stretching for miles, a hidden valley shrouded in mist, or a whimsical island paradise

    Generate Kingdom Name with History: Ancient ruins whisper secrets, forgotten legends echo, or a newly risen kingdom claims its place

    Generate Kingdom Name with Positions: Fierce warriors defend their home, wise scholars seek knowledge, or artistic creators fill the land with beauty? pen_spark

    Generate Giant Kingdom Name: (a vast empire!) and pick a resource that fuels its power.

    Generate Fantasy Kingdom Name: Craft a landscape – Mountains pierce the sky, whispering forests, or vast desert sands

    Features & Benefits

    Novel & Story Writing

    Generate evocative names that seamlessly blend with your fantasy setting, adding depth and authenticity to your kingdoms. Imagine the difference between “King John’s Land” and “The Emerald Dominion” – evocative names draw readers in and make your world feel real.

    Fuel Table-Top RPG Campaign

    Whether you’re a Dungeon Master crafting a sprawling world or a player building a backstory, the generator helps you name kingdoms on the fly. This streamlines your game and lets you focus on the story and adventure

    Helps In Game Creation

    Create unique and memorable names for the Empires within your game. Players connect with these names, enhancing their overall gaming experience.

    Educational Purposes

    Teachers and educators can utilize the generator to spark student creativity in writing and literature classes. Exploring kingdom names fosters an understanding of world-building and story construction in a fun and interactive way.

    Helps In Content Writing

    Whether you’re a blogger, content creator, or fantasy enthusiast, captivating names for kingdoms can draw in readers and add a layer of intrigue to your online articles, series, or lore.


    it’s a powerful, FREE AI tool to ignite your creativity and fuel your world-building endeavors!

    Unlimited Acess

    With our Kingdom Name Generator, there are no limits on how many names you can craft. So dive in, explore the possibilities, and find the perfect title for your magnificent kingdom!

    Simple Elegant UI

    Our Name Generation tool is designed with simplicity in mind. Everything is laid out clearly, so find the perfect Kingdom for you.

    Sample Prompts

    Our Kingdom Generator has some awesome sample prompts to get you started! They can help you find a cool name that perfectly fits your unique Empire name creation.

    How Can I Create A Kingdom Name?


    • Theme: Start with the core theme of your kingdom. Is it a fantasy realm with magic, a medieval kingdom with knights, or something entirely different?
    • Location: Where is your kingdom situated? Mountains, forests, deserts, or perhaps a coastal region? Geographical features can inspire evocative names.
    • Ruling Body: Who leads this kingdom? A benevolent king, a cunning mage, or maybe a council of wise elders? This can influence the name’s tone.
    • Culture & History: Does your kingdom have a rich history or a unique cultural aspect? Ancient ruins, forgotten legends, or a specific language can add depth to the name.

    Wordplay & Inspiration

    • Mythology & History: Draw inspiration from real-world or fictional mythologies. Norse, Greek, or even lesser-known mythologies can offer unique word elements. Historical names can be twisted or combined for a more fantastical feel.
    • Language Inspiration: Consider using words or word fragments from languages like Latin, Elvish (from Tolkien’s works), or even made-up languages. This adds a touch of mystery and depth.
    • Descriptive Words: Think of words that capture the essence of your kingdom or planet. “Majestic,” “Whispering,” “Golden,” or “Hidden” can be starting points for a name.

    Putting It Together

    • Combine Words: Mix and match words from your brainstorming list. You can create compound words (e.g., “Sunhaven”) or use a descriptive word followed by a noun reflecting location (e.g., “Whispering Woods”).
    • Sound & Flow: Read your creation aloud. Does it sound good? Aim for a balance between uniqueness and memorability.
    • Meaningful Twists: Consider adding a subtle twist to existing words or names. For example, “Aethelgard” (noble protector) or “Veridia” (truthful, green) add a layer of meaning without being overly complex.

    Try short words, long words, words that rhyme, or words that start or end with the same sound. See how they fit together and if they create a name that feels right for your kingdom. The best kingdom names are catchy and easy to remember. They should give you a good idea of what the place is like, even if you haven’t heard it before.

    Kingdom Names Ideas With Meaning & Detail

    fantasy kingdom

    Fantasy Kindom Names

    • Aethelgard (Meaning: “Noble Protector” in Old English) – Evokes a kingdom ruled by a strong and just leader, focused on defense and upholding a noble code.
    • Celestia (Meaning: “Heavenly” in Latin) – A kingdom bathed in sunlight, high in the mountains, or perhaps ruled by beings of celestial origin.
    • Sylvanaar (Meaning: “Forest Spirit” – Elvish) – A magical kingdom hidden within a vast and ancient forest, home to elves, fey creatures, and nature magic.
    • Valhalla (Meaning: “Hall of the Slain” in Norse Mythology) – A kingdom known for its fierce warriors and glorious battles. Perhaps a place where fallen heroes find a final resting place.
    • Aquarion (Meaning: “Watery” in Latin) – An island kingdom built on water, known for its seafaring culture, skilled sailors, and perhaps even underwater cities.
    • Aethelstone (Meaning: “Noble Stone” in Old English) – A wealthy kingdom known for its vast resources, skilled artisans, and perhaps a powerful artifact or magical gem.
    • Xandria (Meaning: “Thriving Men” in Greek) – A powerful and vast empire known for its technological advancements, vast armies, and ambitious expansion.
    • Zephyra (Meaning: “West Wind” in Greek) – A whimsical kingdom known for its artists, musicians, and a carefree way of life. It could be a land of constant gentle breezes.
    • Umbral Vale (Meaning: “Shadowy Valley”) – A mysterious kingdom hidden in a deep valley shrouded in mist. It could be ruled by shadowy figures or be a haven for creatures of the night.
    • Pyraxis (Meaning: “Fire” in Greek) – A volcanic kingdom known for its fiery landscapes, skilled blacksmiths, and warriors who wield fire magic.
    • Astraea (Meaning: “Star Maiden” in Greek) – A kingdom ruled by a wise and benevolent queen, known for its scholars, astronomers, and academies that study the stars and the cosmos.
    • Lyradia (Meaning: “Land of the Lyre” in Greek) – A kingdom known for its rich musical tradition, epic bards, and magical instruments with unique powers.

    Fairytale Kingdom Names

    • Moonwhisper (Meaning: Soft Moonlight whispers)
    • Everbloom (Meaning: Flowers that always bloom)
    • Sunhaven (Meaning: Safe haven bathed in sunlight)
    • Whispering Glade (Meaning: Forest with secrets)
    • Crystalbrook (Meaning: Stream with sparkling crystals)
    • Emberdawn (Meaning: First light of a fiery sunrise)
    • Stardust Vale (Meaning: Valley sprinkled with stardust)
    • Whispering Falls (Meaning: Waterfall with secrets)
    • Moonstone Cove (Meaning: Hidden cove with moonstones)
    • Whispering Willows (Meaning: Willow trees with secrets)
    • Cloudhaven (Meaning: Safe haven amongst the clouds)
    • Faelight Glade (Meaning: Forest bathed in Fae light)

    Aesthetic Kingdom Names

    • Aurora Haven (Meaning: Place of the Northern Lights)
    • Elysian Vale (Meaning: Beautiful Valley)
    • Sunstone Spire (Meaning: Tower made of Sunstones)
    • Whisperwood (Meaning: Quiet Forest)
    • Moonlit Grotto (Meaning: Cave bathed in Moonlight)
    • Silvershore (Meaning: Beach with glistening sand)
    • Gossamer Glade (Meaning: Delicately light forest)
    • Amethyst Aerie (Meaning: High nest made of amethysts)
    • Cloudsea Isles (Meaning: Islands floating in a sea of clouds)
    • Everbloom Meadows (Meaning: Fields with flowers that never fade)
    • Starlight Citadel (Meaning: Fortress bathed in Starlight)
    • Whispering River (Meaning: River with secrets)

    Hollow Knight Kingdom Names Ideas

    • Veridia (Meaning: “Truthful, Green”)
    • Cthonia (Meaning: “Of the Underworld”)
    • Lumina (Meaning: “Light”)
    • Silencia (Meaning: “Silence”)
    • Arachnea (Meaning: “Spider”)
    • Viridian Glade (Meaning: “Green Glade”)
    • Echoing Peaks (Meaning: “Peaks with Echoes”)
    • Luminescent Grotto (Meaning: “Glowing Cave”)
    • Whispering Woods (Meaning: “Woods with Whispers”)
    • Crystalline Caverns (Meaning: “Crystal Caves”)
    • Fading Forge (Meaning: “Forge that is Fading”)
    • Solstice Citadel (Meaning: “Fortress of the Solstice”)

    Medieval Kingdom Names

    medieval kingdom
    • Corvushaven (Meaning: “Raven Harbor”)
    • Valhalla Marches (Meaning: “Borderlands of the Hall of the Slain”)
    • Aethelhelm (Meaning: “Noble Helmet”)
    • Fleurissan (Meaning: “Flourishing” in French)
    • Griffinshold (Meaning: “Hold of the Griffins”)
    • Salzburg (Meaning: “Salt Castle” in German)
    • Crowned Peak (Meaning: “Mountain with a Crown”)
    • Serpent’s Reach (Meaning: “Land on the Edge of a Serpentine River”)
    • Aethelford (Meaning: “Noble Ford”)
    • Caledonia (Meaning: “Wooded Land” in Latin)
    • Corona Solis (Meaning: “Crown of the Sun” in Latin)
    • Aquila’s Vale (Meaning: “Valley of the Eagle”)

    Magic Kingdom Names

    • Sylver (Meaning: Silver)
    • Astraea (Meaning: Star)
    • Aiora (Meaning: Dream)
    • Elysia (Meaning: Elysian)
    • Verdan (Meaning: Green)
    • Zephyr (Meaning: West Wind)
    • Astraea (Meaning: Star Maiden)
    • Runeheim (Meaning: Rune Home)
    • Whisperfall (Meaning: A Waterfall that Whispers)
    • Aethelrune (Meaning: Noble Rune)
    • Feylight (Meaning: Light of the Fae)
    • Chimera (Meaning: Mythical Beast)

    Giant Kingdom Names

    • Titania (Giant Queen)
    • Obsidian (Black Mountain)
    • Azure (Endless Sky)
    • Everglade (Marsh)
    • Whispering Canyons (Echoes)
    • Colossuswood (Giant Forest)
    • Astral (Star Islands)
    • Skyhold (Floating Fortress)
    • Crystal (Labyrinth)
    • Everforge (Volcano Forge)
    • Sands (Whispering Desert)
    • Titanfall (Giant Ruins)

    Mythical Kingdom Name

    • Sylvanaeris (Elvish – Woodland Spirit’s Dream)
    • Aethelgryph (Noble Griffin)
    • Aethelstar (Noble Star)
    • Feyglow (Light of the Fae)
    • Krakenhold (Fortress of the Kraken)
    • Aetheria (Sky Realm)
    • Nereid’s Call (Song of the Sea Nymph)
    • Chimera’s Cradle (Birthplace of Mythical Beasts)
    • Echoing Glade (Valley of Echoes)
    • Dragonspire (Mountain Peak of Dragons)
    • Whispering Grove (Forest of Secrets)
    • Sylphhaven (Air Spirit’s Refuge)

    DND Kingdom Names (Dungeons & Dragons)

    • Syl’sor (Elvish – Whispering Wind)
    • Aethelrune (Noble Rune)
    • Kael’dor (Dwarvish – Mountain Home)
    • Zariel’s Rest (Meaning: Fallen Angel’s Domain)
    • Mycelia (Meaning: Fungus – Elvish)
    • Xylia (Sylvan – Forest Heart)
    • Cinderhold (Meaning: Fortress of Cinders)
    • Shimmerscale (Meaning: Scales that Shimmer)
    • Aetherveil (Meaning: Sky Veil)
    • Veridian Keep (Meaning: Green Keep)
    • Axia’s Fury (Meaning: Goddess of Justice’s Rage)
    • Whispering Cairn (Meaning: Tomb that Whispers)
    dragon kingdom names

    Game Of Thrones Kingdom Names

    • Stoneshield (Meaning: Strong Defense)
    • Whispering Straits (Meaning: Mysterious Sea Routes)
    • Dawnhaven (Meaning: Land of New Beginnings)
    • Emberhold (Meaning: Fortress of Burning Fury)
    • Starfall Bay (Meaning: Where Stars Fall)
    • Wraithwood (Meaning: Forest of Ghosts)
    • Stormsong Coast (Meaning: Land of Roaring Seas)
    • Moonspire (Meaning: Tower Reaching for the Moon)
    • Crystalveil (Meaning: City Hidden in Crystals)
    • Shifting Sands (Meaning: Unstable Desert Lands)
    • Whispering Oasis (Meaning: Oasis with Secrets)
    • Ironwood (Meaning: Forest of Unyielding Trees)